
2019-11-13 5:26 pm
  我而家讀緊一間Band 1 C ~ Band 2 A嘅中學嘅form 2 
有轉校嘅諗法 上年全級成績係3/127 大部分科目都有7字頭 成績都叫中上
如果想入Band 1 A學校會唔會好難?(e.g. 聖士提反女子中學)朋友話愈早轉愈好 如果我form 2下學期中途轉校會唔會有d困難 定等到form 3先轉?真係好苦惱 希望大家可以幫我🙏🏻

回答 (1)

2019-11-14 4:37 am
The answer is yes.

Top schools usually will not offer admission unless you have some special abilities.

Academic result is not the only consideration.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:46:49
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