What Are The Real Reason You Think Democrats Want To Try To Impeach Donald Trump ?

2019-11-13 6:44 am
I think the reason why Democrats want to impeach Donald Trump. I think Democrats top leaders know Trump is on to their dirty  business in Ukraine. 

回答 (11)

2019-11-13 6:49 am
There's no "try to." It's going to happen. The reason why any patriot, Democrat or otherwise, wants it to happen is Trump violated his oath of office and the US constitution by criminally abusing the power of his office. Patriots want him punished because this isn't a monarchy or fascist dictatorship, so the President is not above the law. Patriots also want him punished to signal to anyone else who may hold that office in the future that they likewise are not above the law and will not be allowed to get away with such egregious and criminal behavior.
2019-11-13 6:51 am
Trump's impeachable crimes started long before his Ukraine fiasco.   
2019-11-13 6:46 am
Probably for all the bribery, abuse of power, obstruction, and numerous other crimes he's committed while in office.

Then again maybe it's irrelevant how many crimes Trump committed and they just bet each other $1 like in Trading Places
2019-11-13 6:46 am
Trump wants to ruin America. Liberals have much higher IQs than conservatives, so conservatives don’t understand what he’s doing. Conservatives live in a fairy tale world.
2019-11-13 7:28 am
They can't beat him in the next election because
They never accomplished anything the last two
Years. They are lazy, pathetic, spoiled children
With no work ethics or accomplishments. If
More voters had common sense and the mind
Set of company employee hiring managers.
Who should they hire or vote for: lazy democrats who do nothing Or hard working conservatives who get Needed Things done?
2019-11-13 7:19 am
Trump is a criminal, corrupt to the core, and is selling our national security to Russia and the Saudis for personal gain.
2019-11-15 1:09 am
Your theory is correct.
2019-11-13 6:55 am
The real and only reason is that they want to overturn the results of the 2016 election. The calls for impeachment started even before he took office.
2019-11-13 6:53 am
They know they can't beat him.
2019-11-13 6:49 am
They want to regain political power. The same reason Republicans impeached Clinton.

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