我的問題是看到動名詞中Having been xxx用字,想知道是否為動名詞片語,作為介詞之受詞用,謝謝?

2019-11-12 11:42 am

回答 (4)

2019-11-13 8:15 am
In the pattern the object is a gerund phrase that guide you to patterns and usage:-eg:-
(1)Having been finished playing tennis@ Wimbleton,you died by violence----prep.complement.(die off=adverbial particle)
(2)Having been finished working too.hard, my health is bad and died.
(3)Having been finished talking on stage, I collapsed suddenly (and died).

All adverb clauses are dependent .
eg:-When he died, he was buried in a grave.--dependent adverb clause + main clause.
2019-11-22 3:19 pm
2019-11-15 12:36 pm
The safe showed no signs of "having been touched."
上面這個句子裡的having been touched是「動名詞」(它不是動名詞片語,因為不含受詞),它是前面介系詞of的受詞。
其時態屬於「完成式被動態」: having been ~ed,是由「動詞」touch衍生的「動名詞」,屬於「動狀詞」(verbal)。
no signs of having been touched是一個「名詞片語」(名詞+介系詞+動名詞),作為動詞showed的受詞。

I have difficulty (in) solving the problem.
He spent a lot of money (in) buying toys.
上面這兩句裡的~ing xxx才是「動名詞片語」。
2019-11-12 12:32 pm

1. 前面有介係詞時, 作為介詞之受詞  (介係詞  不能跟引導((that)+ S+V)的名詞子句 )
     S1 +  V1   + ( 介系詞 )) + S2 +  { 1.being ( including 1. S + be + Ved, 2. S + be +                                                                 ADJ)   
                                                          2.Ving  (  +名詞 ) 
                                                          3.having(不管什麼人稱)+ PP  ( + 名詞 )  
                   1.S2不是S1 而且有生物, S2必須用S2的所有格 
                   2.S2不是S1 而且無生物, S2用S2的主格(主詞) 
                   3.S2是S1, S2可省略.

              he is very proud that his father is rich. 
            = he is very proud of his father's being rich.
2. 作為 主格(主詞)時 強調 動詞 的重要語氣 ( like 名詞子句 S + V )

  That sister wins the scholarship excites me.
 = Sister's winning the scholarship excites me.

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