What Is Your Favorite Holiday!?

2019-11-12 1:40 am

回答 (63)

2019-11-12 1:41 am
It just passed- Halloween. But spookiness is in the heart, forever.
2019-11-12 10:47 pm
Definitely Christmas is my favorite holiday
2019-11-12 11:46 am
I would have to say Christmas. ☃️????????
2019-11-12 2:35 am
Christmas ????......
2019-11-12 1:58 am
It is Christmas.........
2019-11-12 1:44 am
I like the 4th of July
2019-11-14 6:03 pm
Christmas of course!

It's my favorite Pagan holiday.
2019-11-14 3:20 pm
Anyone where I get to stay home and collect a full day's pay, I'm not picky.
2019-11-14 7:53 am
Christmas is my favourite 
2019-11-13 6:55 am
Christmas is the best one
2019-11-13 4:36 am
Christmas is the best holiday.
2019-11-12 7:39 pm
Christmas is my favorite holiday
2019-11-12 3:18 pm
2019-11-12 12:03 pm
Thanksgiving!  I like the fall colours and harvest.
2019-11-12 11:10 am
Christmas. It's in the same exact month I was born in and it's the last holiday of the year to a new start.
2019-11-12 10:59 am
Christmas day is my favorite holiday.
2019-11-12 9:00 am
2019-11-12 6:43 am
Christmas for sure.....
2019-11-12 5:06 am
I love to take a journey on the silk road. through India, Asia Minor, up throughout Mesopotamia, to Egypt, the African continent, Greece, Rome, and Britain.
2019-11-12 4:41 am
My birthday and Christmas
2019-11-12 3:00 am
Christmas - a time to spend with family.
2019-11-12 1:41 am
I Love Christmas!
2019-11-13 12:25 pm
ive started all over until further notice each and every hump day will be sacred...in jesus name amen
2019-11-12 3:05 pm
I do not have a favorite holiday, I do not like holidays.
2019-11-12 1:49 am
The Summer Holidays.
2019-11-12 4:07 am
Halloween is my favorite holiday
2019-11-15 3:40 pm
I love Halloween
2019-11-15 8:44 am
2019-11-15 12:53 am
Thanksgiving is mine 
2019-11-14 11:01 pm
None of them. They all suck.
2019-11-14 7:48 pm
Halloween. I love watching people die. 
2019-11-14 4:35 pm
Christmas of course.

Arguably, it's the best time of year.

In the midst of the cold weather, it's the only thing you can look forward to.
2019-11-14 10:50 am
Christmas, winter time
2019-11-14 9:10 am
Easter for the Colors. Halloween for the Candy. Thanksgiving for the Cranberry Sauce. Christmas for the Gifts.

Christmas > Easter > Halloween > Thanksgiving
2019-11-14 8:21 am
None, I do not seem to find enjoyment in anything anymore
2019-11-14 4:54 am
Diwali  , fireworks every where , sky decorates itself with various colors of  lights ,  only day where night sky becomes bright and smiling ! 
2019-11-14 4:21 am
Manchester allways
2019-11-14 4:20 am
Summer holiday. 

I enjoy myself best at this time, and it feels cool. 
2019-11-14 4:20 am
Summer sea
Winter skiing in mountains 
2019-11-14 3:12 am
christmas okay okay
2019-11-14 2:38 am
The Fourth...…………..
2019-11-13 11:30 pm
Chinese New Year, because I can get lots of red packets from my parents, other family relatives and friends. 
2019-11-13 11:14 pm
Hong Kong is my favourite place in the world and I have visited loads of different places.

I also love Thailand.

Since my mum died my family have taken my father to Portugal as that is where they used to go twice a year. Portugal is cool.

I have a sister in Normandy in France so often visit there.

But Hong Kong is number one.
2019-11-13 10:39 pm
I can't choose between Christmas or Thanksgiving
2019-11-13 10:02 pm
2019-11-13 8:13 pm
Thanksgiving is my favorite 
2019-11-13 8:07 pm
My favorite holiday is Groundhog Day cause they made the movie based on it. 
2019-11-13 7:58 pm
Singapore airlines 
2019-11-13 7:55 pm
2019-11-13 7:53 pm
April Fool's.........................
2019-11-13 7:15 pm
I like Christmas the best
2019-11-13 5:14 pm
Easter definitely
2019-11-13 3:33 pm
My birthday of course.
2019-11-13 12:51 pm
Christmas for me...…..
2019-11-13 12:11 pm
I do love Christmas but I also love Thanksgiving 
2019-11-13 8:43 am
Bank holiday as they are unexpected. 
2019-11-13 2:18 am
I personally don't have a favorite holiday anymore... when I was young Christmas was my favorite but since my grandmother passed it hasn't been the same & my family isn't the same either.
2019-11-12 11:52 pm
I would say Christmas because we all stay at home, other holidays require meeting with relatives.
2019-11-12 4:36 pm
It's that wonderful holiday that's coming up in about 6 weeks.

參考: Happy Festivus
2019-11-12 5:16 am
Christmas and Halloween!
2019-11-13 12:53 am
I do not like holidays
2019-11-12 3:48 pm
Summer holiday.
2019-11-12 11:57 am
When I was younger it used to be Halloween followed by Christmas.  Now, I can't get excited for either one.  I tried really hard this year to get excited, but I couldn't.

Getting older sucks sometimes.  It takes the fun right out of life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:22:59
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