What’s the difference between dating a woman who has a kid rather than dating a women who has no kids.?

2019-11-12 1:11 am

回答 (9)

2019-11-12 2:33 am
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Because you know that the woman who doesn’t have a kid actually loves you. Where is the woman with kids is usually just dating you because she’s settling so that she can find somebody to pay for her kids.

The reality is, the reason she is a single mom is precisely because her standards were too high. She breeded with a hot tall good looking guy out of her league... and obviously he didn’t wanna date her he just wanted to impregnate her... and now she’s wanting to foot you with the bill. (If she was a responsible woman, she would be married with the kid, not a single mom, duh.)

The woman who has kids will always choose the kid/kids over you

Women with kids will emasculate you and treat you like a beta male provider, who’s only purpose is to pay her money and food and supplies

Women with kids give you less sex

Women with kids breeded with another man who wasn’t you, so by definition they’re automatically and already sexually disloyal to you and are just using you as a backup plan or for money

I strongly recommend only dating childless women without that excess baggage.

If you do date a woman with kids, (which is a BAD idea), then you AT LEAST need to make sure that you have the confidence to discuss the things I mentioned above with her, to make sure they don’t happen to you.

Discuss these things with her immediately, before the relationship really starts. You should talk about them on the second or third date, so that they are out in the open and out-of-the-way.
2019-11-12 1:18 am
The difference is the kid.

And if she's a good mom, the kid will always come first.

Plus, her life is tied to the child's father and his family presuming he is in the picture. 
2019-11-12 2:51 am
If you don't know the difference you'd better not get involved.
2019-11-12 1:29 am
The bill for dinner goes up a bit for the Happy Meal.
2019-11-12 1:21 am
If you need to ask that question, you shouldn't be dating.
2019-11-12 1:12 am
Her vagina is looser.
2019-11-12 2:11 am
It means you're dating a ready-made family and that's not easy for a lot of guys.  The child will a factor in a lot of things you do and decisions you make.  It's why a lot of women think they're less attractive to single men.
2019-11-12 1:18 am
The woman with a child has obligations a woman with no children doesn't. As a result, the mother will not be able to give you the undivided attention, and all that means, the single woman could. Also, it means you are seeking the approval of the woman you are dating, but, when she's a mother, you also need the approval of her child. That is often a significant complication that can prevent a relationship from developing.
2019-11-12 1:15 am
they are pretty similar.

One wants to trap you to raise the kid.

The other wants you to have the kid.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:15:38
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