Why do we question this?

2019-11-11 12:00 am
Because we Christians & Jews really do not know. 

回答 (5)

2019-11-11 12:33 am
LIES since Jesus was a life long fervent follower of Judaism! Just read your bible!!!!!!!!!!
2019-11-11 7:44 am
Catholicism is the One True Faith and a person can know this with certainty by reciting the rosary every day with care.
2019-11-11 12:33 am
Question what? You said question this... and provided no information related to what you are speaking of. 
2019-11-11 12:15 am
Christians and Jews really do not know that god doesn't exist and that's just so sad! 
2019-11-11 12:09 am
Well, I'd love to answer, but I'm gonna need a little more information.

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