MAGA followers. When was America supposed to have been "great?" In what year, and what has changed since then?

2019-11-10 4:43 am

回答 (6)

2019-11-10 5:49 am
what is MAGA???? I NEVER followed him....tryhistorical
2019-11-10 4:52 am
Back when we didn't need two college degree incomes to support a family. Back when television portrayed family values instead of teenage prostitution. Back when we were proud that our nation could protect us and provide for us, instead of us wearing $500 sneakers, pants around our butt, shirts inside out, and hats on sideways, face glued to YouTube and video games, while whining that America isn't doing anything for us.
2019-11-10 4:58 am
Back before those uppity civil rights leaders like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. spoiled all their fun.
2019-11-10 5:50 am
Most of the 80s. I was there....and it was.
2019-11-10 5:27 am
The Americans had their greatest era after WW2. When they sat out most of the war and sold arms and goods to Europe, who were getting bombed and doing all the fighting.
2019-11-10 5:02 am
So far, the greatest generation was WW2. After that all the generations changed . The people of the early 20th century believed it was God that blessed this nation to be a great nation and super power. It is still historical fact that the LDS scriptures record that it was the will of Jesus Christ to create this nation and the Constitution thereby creating a strong nation that can defend his kingdom earth through the "birth pains " of prophecy and history

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:41:43
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