
2019-11-08 6:27 pm
i've done what every video game player who doesn't have time to figure out things for himself does

does係咩角色, 點解後面冇跟野??

回答 (2)

2019-11-09 10:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some video game player does not have time to figure out things for himself.

These video game player "does xxx."
I "have done xxx."
what = the things that(what是帶先行詞的關係代名詞,帶出一個名詞子句當作主要子句動詞have done的受詞)
2019-11-09 8:13 am
does=done on behalf them
=for them
=in  the interest of them
=on account of them
=as the representative of them
=Don't be uneasy on your game troubles; about your game-troubles,about which you have (done)---which you don't knoe much.
=eg:-On behalf of game-trouble and yourself should have (done)---figure out first.
=eg:-You stopped the game-video which you should have (done)---if you don't know.
=eg:-Will you learn how to play video---> to be done ------>first ?!
=eg:-Someone has lost the game to you----?means to be (done) first !!!
does=done for them, prepared for them first.

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