Someone could shoot you dead from far in the dark and just take off and leave?

2019-11-04 5:23 am

回答 (10)

2019-11-04 6:47 am
ssssssdd dddddddddddd
2019-11-21 6:25 am
They won't get me when im wearing my citizen armor RTG Armored Backpack with my Aegis Armored notebook
2019-11-12 7:50 pm
Well i'm australian so i'm mostly safe. unless they use a throwing knife. besides, why worry about night time gun men when the local wildlife have more of a reason to kill you?
參考: Australian gun laws
2019-11-11 5:11 am
Not really a video game question, but yes- all sort of things are possible.
2019-11-07 1:43 am
Yeah. If they have legs
2019-11-05 1:26 pm
Really now you say. Why would that do such? What world are you even thinking such is even possible?
2019-11-05 7:07 am
they can match the bullet to your gun 
2019-11-04 6:11 am
how would they take off, and more interestingly where are they flying to?
2019-11-04 5:28 am
Could happen. And a meteorite could land on my head And they say some people die of spontaneous combustion. The list goes on, but none of it is worth worrying about
2019-11-04 5:26 am
They do it all the time in 'Asp'in'Count'Tie i'll'ask'a - So having already taken a soul will be waiting for the flesh to return.

And bears do like to meet them on school holidays.

But watch them bald early first in free institutional cash withering of family cancers just like mommy a daddy.

They love that free cash.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:33:15
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