I don't like encouraging others?

2019-11-04 3:17 am
I was the first one from my family to graduate college, no one supported me along the way. Now that I am a bit older family members ask for advice and money. I say no or keep distance and they get mad. I don't have a desire to help others succeed on my spare time I go with my friends to the beach and get drunk. . Is this bad?

回答 (1)

2019-11-04 3:33 am
You won't encourage them because it's something you never got - despite how much you needed it and wanted it. If that changes for you, help them to make that part of their life a bit easier by sharing what you experienced and learned.

I don't loan money to family or friends because it just doesn't work out, so I understand that part.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:42:03
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