
2019-11-03 11:12 am
My name is Roy , I was born in Taiwan ,now study in school. My major is mechanical engineering , and favorite subject is science. My hobby is reading and watching movie,and dream job is interior decorating, because it have huge commercial market. In the first,I  wish my boss will give me more chance for promotion, and dont fire me, second I wish my residence is close my office, at last,I wish my salary is higher than average.
Be responsible for this job,I need not only more and more experience make sure the work smooth,but also Various thinking make our work easily,moreover sincere attitude is most important to the work, also I should have responsibility to keep the quality. Thanks for your listening,hope you are like it.

回答 (2)

2019-11-04 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name is Roy. I was born in Taiwan; now (studying) in College. My major is mechanical engineering, and favorite subject is (the use of mechines and the technology).
My hobby is reading and watching movies, and my "dream job" is (Interior Decoration and Design), because it (has) a (magnificent) commercial market. 
In the first (place), I wish my boss will give me (a much more) chance for promotion, and (does not uninspiringly fire me).(Secondly), I  wish my residence is closer (to) my office. At last, I wish my salary (to be based on the salaried class and post.)

(To be responsible for the) job, I need (more experience to make sure the work ( is in a smoothly manner running). Various thinking (at various times) (should) make my work (easier), though.
Moreover, a science attitude is most important to the work. Also, I should (have the responsibility,legally or morally, for carrying out my duty for the care of it).
(Thanks for your attention and time.)
2019-11-04 12:25 pm
now studying in school
my favorite subject is science
because it has a huge commercial market
XX XXX First, I wish my 
don't fire me
XX Last(或Lastly), I wish 
沒有主詞(可能你是想接下句的I想怎樣)To be responsible for this job,
I need xxxx xxx more and more experience to make sure to work smoothly,這裏改了你的名詞work為動詞work {註work smooth是中式英文不是英文]
but also various thinking to make xxx{一直只是"I") work easily


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