If The Whistle Blower Is Lying This will Look Bad For Democrats.?

2019-11-01 10:20 pm
So far we have not see any evidence of Donald Trump wrong doing. I truly believe Democrats only doing this cause they thought Hillary Clinton was going to win. And I think whistle blower is trying to protect Joe Biden illegal activity.

回答 (21)

2019-11-01 10:45 pm
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That is probably correct. Ukraine is probably the playground for the democrats to laundry their money through. Examples: Obama had sweet heart deals with China on trade. Hunter Biden got 1.5 billion $ to invest from China. Obama GAVE Iran 150 billion $. What about kickbacks. Remember the 1billion $ ( a plane load) of fresh, new $100 bills that Obama flew to Iran. How much of that did Obama get? The money gets laundried by getting it into the banking system. That requires a bank to take the money, open up a legal account and process the money through the banking system. If you have a corrupt country like Ukraine, you have oligarchs and banks that can do that. My guess is that Hunter's real job was to watch the Burisma oligarch do the money laundering. Anyway, Trump was about to find out some real big dirt on the democrats and so they came up with fake impeachment based upon the similar lines of the fake Mueller witch hunt.
2019-11-01 10:21 pm
'So far we have not see any evidence of Donald Trump wrong doing"....????!!!!!
2019-11-01 10:21 pm
it's already bad for the dems ........................................
2019-11-01 10:34 pm
If the whistleblower was lying we would not have gotten as far as we are.  It would have been discovered weeks ago that there's nothing there to investigate and the whistleblower would have been dismissed as a liar.  If any criminal action could be taken against that person, I don't know what that would be.  But that's not where we are.  The whistleblower raised a red flag and drew the attention of people who then looked into the matter and found evidence that the claim was true, and the amount of evidence has continued to build every day as more evidence has been uncovered, more people have testified to corroborate that evidence, and Trump has continued to say stupid things that admit what he did.  The whistleblower could have dropped dead of a heart attack the day after alerting people to what happened; that would not change what evidence got found as a result or change what Trump did to lead to the whistle being blown.
2019-11-01 10:21 pm
No. You don't think. Thats the problem.
2019-11-01 10:24 pm
The Democrat press sex criminals routinely ignore/minimize/'explain' ANYTHING that makes Democrats look like the criminals that they are.
參考: When Clinton had his 'security' detail' fetch Paula --- The always skillful Democrat press changed the subject to Monica a mentally off 'volunteer.'
2019-11-01 10:33 pm
The evidence is plain to see. It is illegal to solicit, or accept foreign government help in a political campaign. So it is certainly illegal to use extortion to obtain that help. So the only question is, is the subject of the "favor" (the Bidens and the debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine framed Russia in the 2016 election interference) about anything other than helping Trump get re-elected? Everyone knows that's what it was all about - and that makes it against the law, not to mention makes the United States look like a mafia-run 3rd world banana republic.
2019-11-02 12:15 am
The whistleblower isnt lying.  Their claims have been confirmed both by other witnesses and the White Hiuse transcript
2019-11-01 10:59 pm
They have testimony of several witnesses who were on the call, and Trump's admission on camera. They don't need the whistleblower anymore.  The illegal activity is Trump asking for Ukraine to announce an investigation that would benefit his election, then covering it up.
2019-11-01 10:28 pm
If the whistle blower is lying he's going to jail and this will be the end of his military career and his pension.

And if push comes to shove and he testifies against Schiff instead, he will be put under the bus.
2019-11-01 10:25 pm
The constitution is long and complicated, Trump can't be expected to know every detail, professional politicians have studied it, but Trump's supported wanted someone fresh, not someone who was always worried about the laws
2019-11-01 10:22 pm
There is no proof there even is a " whistle blower " . All evidence points to Schiff as the leaker of distortion and propaganda .
2019-11-02 8:54 am
The democrats don't care how bad they look.  Most people consider them slime anyway.
2019-11-02 5:10 am
depends what you regard as "wrong doing"

I regard conspiracy with a foreign government to secure an election as treason

I also regard doing the damdest to frustrate investigations as an abuse of power and an impeachable offence

dont you?
2019-11-02 2:42 am
Other than the usual group of trolls/Trump supporters who cannot conceive the difference between fact and fiction or how an impeachment inquiry works here goes:

The 1st Whistle Blower raised concerns about Trump's call to the Ukraine that it related to a "tit for tat" arrangement where the Ukraine would investigate Joe Biden in the hopes for getting something on him and, in exchange, Trump would release hundreds of millions of dollars of military purchases by them.

The 2nd Whistle Blower backed up the claims of the first which gave added validity to the initial claims.

The 3rd Whistle Blower, whose identity is now known (His initials are DT) released a transcript of the call which gave added support to the claims of the first two whistle blowers.

The transcript, which Trump claimed and still claims, to be a full and accurate report of the call even though it states right on the transcript that it is not and this has been confirmed by US Government officials involved in the call, supports the claims of both whistle blowers.

The investigation, as that is all it is, has been underway and heard from several witnesses and several more have been muzzled by the White House {something innocent people always do, prevent testimony), is to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to move for impeachment which, if moved and passed, will mean a trial before the US Senate (which since it is controlled by Republicans the outcome is rather obvious).

The irony about it is that all of the complaints by Trump and Republicans about how it is being undertaken relates to rules of procedure brought in and passed by the Republican Party when they controlled both Houses.
2019-11-01 10:53 pm
What's it like sitting around, listening to Sean Limbaugh all day long?
2019-11-01 10:36 pm
They already look bad ...
2019-11-01 10:23 pm
Hillary Clinton is not yet running for any office. It is not just doing something that the general public might consider wrong. He has lied to the American people since he took office.
2019-11-01 11:44 pm
Agree with this, except Biden isn't an illegal type. But the impeachment hoopla is going to come back to bite the Democratic Party on the backside come election day.
2019-11-01 10:54 pm
democrats could not look worse, thats why they spend time blinding their voters

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