What you think of the whistle blower that is currently worker for the Joe Biden campaign and got inside track with Democrats Leader?

2019-11-01 10:01 pm

回答 (8)

2019-11-01 10:04 pm
I think that if you have actual knowledge of the identity of the whistle-blower and divulge that information you belong in prison.

I think if you really have no idea of the identity of the whistle-blower and post crap like this, you are a lying moron.

So, which is it, are you a criminal or a liar?
2019-11-01 10:17 pm
Odds that any person who is going to "whistleblow" on someone else is going to ge a person who has problems with the actions of the person they are going to report. And often with the person themselves. It is unlikely that a Trump supporter is going to report what Trump is doing. So it is not a surprise that the whistleblower is someone who does not support Trump. That was pretty much a given when news that there was a whstleblower broke.

That neither proves or disproves his claims.

Instead, what you should be looking at is the transcribe of the call. It which the statements that the whistleblower claims were made are not.
2019-11-01 10:05 pm
The guy is simply a spy sent in by Clapper and Brennan.
2019-11-01 10:02 pm
Schiff is a wingnut that needs to go. (he's the whistle blower)
2019-11-01 10:32 pm
I thought thinker does stuff and things of words that don't know stuff and things. TRUMP MAGA 2020... lock him up.
2019-11-01 10:02 pm
its probably about time for criminal indictments for conspiracy to commit treason ...
2019-11-01 10:26 pm
He was a plant of the deep state to spy on Trump and report back to the Obama intelligence hierarchy what Trump is doing. It seems that Obama never went out of business when his term was over. It was ready to go with the election of Hillary. When Hillary lost, the hard core democrats within the bureaucracy went dark and have been working secretly with the political democrats and the news media democrats to circumvent Trump's policies, both domestic and foreign. As for the impeachment, this is a political scam by the democrats. There is not a legal issue. Only the democrat political operatives have inferred a crime, and have done a poor job of doing it. For example, one star witness for Schiff was Colonel Vindman who stated that the crime was that he was unable to add key words to the phone call transcript because the 4 transcribers of the phone call objected to his words as being inaccurate. The guy obviously has a screw loose.
2019-11-01 10:07 pm
The whistleblower is committing fraud. (He's lying)

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