if the multiverse theory is true, would the other versions of ourselves have to run in alongside us in the same time?

2019-11-01 7:42 am
First of all; ONLY reply if you agree this theory is legit as I don't want this question hijacked by discussion on if the multiverse is possible or not. That's another seperate issue. For the sake of this question lets assume it is.

Assuming the multiverse theory is true would parallel timelines have to run concurrently to our time? what I mean by this is basically if there is a version of me or you out there in a parallel universe right now in 1963 for example just living like normal or do all parallel timelines have to be in the same timeline as this one and not a fraction of a second out of sync?
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回答 (3)

2019-11-14 1:21 pm
Parallel universes do not have to have any versions of you or me, do not have to have similar timelines and do not have to to be contemporaneous with this Universe at all. Each decision each individual makes in this Universe or other pocket universes may create another universe with its own timelines. The laws of physics may be different.

What if the the fictional universes that authors create in their imaginations creates a REAL physical universe create REAL physical universe That was Robert A. Heinlein's thesis in his last novel, "The Number of the Beast." What if C.S. Lwiss Nar ia and Tolkien's Middle Rarth are REAL, physical Universes. The certainly are NOT parallel universes with si.ilat timelines.©
2019-11-01 9:48 am
Time is a property of a particular universe. There is no time between or outside of a universe. So you can't compair times in different universes.
2019-11-01 8:16 am
Logically, if there's a multiverse, it's timeline would be different. If it were created simultaneously with the first universe, then it would be part of that universe and not a separate multiverse.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:40:52
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