What are the drawbacks of being Creative?

2019-10-31 1:30 pm
If a person is very creative, what would you say are their drawbacks for being like that?

回答 (9)

2019-11-01 8:22 am
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Perhaps, they may have trouble seeing the simplest, most efficient way to accomplish their purposes, opting for, or having a bias towards, more creative, and possibly therefore more complex solutions.

Perhaps, being able to imagine numerous, and more complex solutions, they are more prone to indecision: having too many options to choose from.

Perhaps they suffer persecution from those that value tradition, or conformity.
2019-10-31 1:58 pm
creative people are often very sensitive, they overthink things and have overwhelming emotions.
2019-10-31 10:33 pm
Other people can misinterpret creativity for insanity. I've also found that creative ideas don't always work. Even when they do they can be beyond comprehension for others and consequently unpopular.
2019-10-31 1:35 pm
I've been a musician my whole life, and have produced music for over 20 years. My major drawback is overthinking how the song should sound or obsess over the lyrics, trying to make them perfect. Not only does it waste time but it actually makes the music worse. My dad always told me to K.I.S.S. it (Keep It Simple Stupid), it has been very helpful.
2019-10-31 6:43 pm
I think whatever the drawbacks may be, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Life is so much more interesting.

Someone said that creative people have trouble resting their minds, that their minds are always at work. That's what meditation is for.

A researcher made a study of the most influential scientists of modern times - their personalities. She found that they tended to be loners. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. You may remember the title of a novel by Thomas Hardy - Far From The Madding Crowd
2019-10-31 4:32 pm
Not surviving well living in a world that may not understand what you're creating.
2019-11-01 3:14 am
Not every creative person will encounter drawbacks.

I happen to know about half a dozen painters and designers. None of them can spell, most don't know their left from their right, and none can tell you a story in a straight chronological line, but once you accept that, you can bask in the colour and fun or their creative lives.
2019-10-31 8:48 pm
Dealing with people who are not creative and cannot understand you
2019-11-01 12:37 am
creativity = intelligence = responsibility

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