What is something interesting you did today, use detail?

2019-10-31 11:58 am

回答 (4)

2019-10-31 12:01 pm
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I ate classic NY cheesecake, cherry cheesecake, french vanilla pirouettes, and a hershey's XL cookies and cream bar. I feel really sick.

-Kate Yelkovan
2019-10-31 11:59 am
I decided not to have sex today ^-^
I also went shopping at Nordstrom
2019-10-31 12:00 pm
I bought a couple bags of candies for Halloween.
2019-10-31 2:08 pm
Ate a subway of the day which is spicy italian and realising subway is a very healthy meal only includes few pieces of cheese and salami, and a bunch of veggie and pickles and olives. fed some bread crumbs to the fat birds in my uni they wont go away until i go

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:40:21
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