Can you call working 6 hours in one 24hr period a “double shift”?

2019-10-30 7:59 am
So, my boyfriend complains on days when he has to work a “double” shift, which is 11a - 2p, and then 6p - 9p. He works part time as a waiter at a family owned and run sushi place. Shifts are normally 3hrs for anyone not in the family (the parents and their nephew work full time and their 2 daughters help out when they’re not in school.) Now, based on that I don’t really care if he calls it a “double” shift, because it is twice the amount he normally works - 3hrs. However, he says it with the same resentment as someone who does work a 16hr shift. I pointed out that 6hrs isn’t even one full shift at a full time job, especially since he gets a 4hr break between his two shifts, and I typically see one full shift as 8hrs.

So I guess.. what’s everyone else think? I’ve actually worked double shifts before, and he’s never even worked a full time job so he’s never experienced how tiring it actually is to work 16hrs, so maybe it’s just my separate experience telling me he shouldn’t be calling it that bc he’ll tell his friends that he’s working a double when really it’s just 6hrs..

回答 (7)

2019-10-30 8:09 am
The correct terminology is split shift, not double shift. 

It's a real pain in the butt because his entire day is blown from before lunch until 9 PM but he only gets paid for six hours.

People complain about double shifts because they're long and tiring, but at least they get paid for their time.

People complain about split shifts because they're a freaking waste of time for very little pay.

Split shifts suck.    I'd much rather have a double shift.  I'd be looking for a new job.
2019-10-30 8:22 am
This is actually referred to as a "split shift", not a double shift.
2019-10-30 10:48 am
poor baby. He must be exhausted. 6 whole hours. no, that's called a SPLIT shift, less than full time in total, but in two pieces with more than an hour between them. A double shift is two FULL time shifts back to back. He'll generally be laughed at calling that a double shift. How old is he? If he's 12, 6 hours is a lot. If he's 18, he needs to grow up and get real.
2019-10-30 8:09 am
Your boyfriend sounds like a snowflake. To even call it a double shift is an insult. I have worked shifts that lasted a total of 12 hours then had to work first thing in the morning. It was at Cicis and it was terrible cleaning tables, taking out the trash, and washing dishes nonstop. Had to do all of that nonstop to keep up with the work pace. 

At Dillard's, my longest shift lasted 11 hours. This is with carrying heavy tote boxes for transfers. Surprisingly it was less tiring than Cicis. 

I do think that his shift sounds annoying to deal with. It's not a double so he needs to stop calling it that. Having to drive back and forth is a b**ch and gas ain't cheap. He should see if he can get them crammed together. 
2019-10-31 10:15 am
Yes its a double shift, a double shift is two shifts in the same day, it's really not a hard concept to figure out. If he works 11-2, and then 6-9, it becomes a double shift.

Maybe instead of being arrogant, you could try to understand why he is annoyed by it.
2019-10-30 5:35 pm
Yes, because his day is broken up.
2019-10-30 8:45 am
he needs to realize hes working when they need him

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