Do you think someone like this could possibly exist?

2019-10-28 3:54 am
I live in a small town and the nearest city is an hour away. I imagined one time when I was lonely that there was a girl a little bit younger than me that was in my grade who lived in this city. I was bullied in high school and I pictured her as being bullied as well. I imagined this girl having long black hair with sad looking eyes that had a look of hope and compassion in them. I was lonely in school and I pictured her as being lonely as well. I had friends in high school but one of them moved away and girls always went for redneck guys. I imagined this girl as being sweet, kind, and shy but having a dirty mind. I imagined her liking classic rock, being an astronomy buff who enjoyed video games, anime and tennis, along with being non judgmental. I fantasized about me and her having so much in common that she's like a female me but with enough differences that we didn't get bored with each other. I wouldn't mind dating someone like this. Could someone like this or at least extremely similar exist? What should I do? I want to meet a woman but I don't know if I should just meet someone and let everything work itself out.

回答 (1)

2019-10-28 6:50 am
Do you play tennis regularly? Maybe you can find a tennis club or an intramural team.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:33
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