Question for those who fantasise about being raped: ?

2019-10-27 4:58 pm
If you were informed that there’s a rapist in your neighbourhood. Would try to run into him and let your fantasy come true? 

回答 (6)

2019-10-27 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The thing is with that sort of person, the whole fantasy 'rape' scenario really means the 'rapist' is a really good-looking, fit guy who is so determined to have sex with you, he just goes ahead. And although you SAY 'no', you really want it to happen and you enjoy it.
The sad fact is that you'd be more likely to get raped by a middle-aged, ugly, smelly, disease-ridden, drug-taking creep, wielding a knife, and who rapes you in several ways, all of which would be painful and nauseating, possibly causing you serious physical harm.
A fantasy is rarely anything like reality.
2019-10-28 9:22 am
I am concerned that you are even on this site. You need to see a psychiatrist. NOW.
2019-10-28 5:56 am
There is a difference between being raped and a sexual fantasy. They are not linked.
2019-10-27 10:12 pm
Depends on how the rapist looks like and who the rapist is
2019-10-27 7:55 pm
No, it's just a fantasy.
2019-10-27 6:01 pm
The old saying goes "If rape is inevitable, then lay back and enjoy it"
That`s easier said than done, don`t you think?
And of course it all depends on just WHO is doing the raping.
If it was a Brad Pitt Lookalike, then it would be easy, but imagine if it was some smelly old breath reeking tramp! ????????????

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