Chemistry question please help?

2019-10-27 4:20 pm
How to calculate the mass of copper (II) ions in 2 grams of copper (II) chloride (CuCl2) salt? 

回答 (2)

2019-10-27 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mass of 1 mol CuCl₂ = (63.5 + 35.5×2) g/mol = 134.5 g
Mass of Cu²⁺ ions in 1 mol of CuCl₂ = 63.5 g

Mass of Cu²⁺ ions in 2 g of CuCl₂ = (2 g) × (63.5/134.5) = 0.944 g
2019-10-27 4:22 pm
Idk but would that be cool if we have copper penises and can electrify things ????

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