感謝He left the engine which was running.解惑,另She kept her boyfriend waiting for over an hour waiting 是形容詞片語,展為who was waiting for over an hour?

2019-10-27 10:44 am

回答 (2)

2019-10-28 6:17 am
1. He left the engine which was running.
===> "running" is the present participle component in the past continuous tense

"leave"如解 "離開" (及物動詞), 一般用于地方、人 或 工作(辭去) 作為受詞.
to leave home; to leave London; to leave his wife; to leave her teaching profession;

He left the engine... (他離開了發動機/引擎)  是解不通的.
He left the engine (locomotive) which was running. (他離開了 行走中的 機車/火車頭)  (OK)

He left the engine running.  他讓引擎(繼續)運轉著.
(= He allowed the engine to remain running.)
===> "running" is a present participle and it is adjectival (形容詞性質的)
Format: "leave" + direct object + V-ing (present participle)

2. She kept her boyfriend waiting for over an hour. 她讓她男友一直等超過一小時.
(= She made her boyfriend remain waiting for over an hour.)
===> "waiting" is a present participle (adjectival) and it represents a continuous action of the direct object of "keep"  (代表受詞繼續進行中的動作)
Format: "keep" + direct object + V-ing (present participle)

展為who was waiting for over an hour?No, the participle phrase (waiting for ...) is not a reduction of relative clause.
2019-10-27 4:21 pm
佢留番佢的男朋友 past continuous tense 等待了一个多小时-----相對的詞叫-喺非定義條款, she 之際 was absent .
2019-10-29 11:10 am
1. He left the engine which was running.
which was running是修飾名詞engine的「修飾語」,是「形容詞子句」。
He left the engine running.=他走時,沒關掉引擎。
He left the engine while it was running.這樣寫時,while it was running是「副詞子句」修飾前面的「述部」left the engine。引擎還在運轉時,他就走了。

2. keep xxx ~ing
I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long.
She kept her boyfriend waiting for over an hour.
是to keep someone doing something for how long的關係。

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