Are these sentences grammatically correct?

2019-10-26 3:08 pm
1) If you only need something temporarily, ask a friend or neighbour if could borrow it to you.
2) It is not right for people to go looking for the ‘lost’ treasure of South America because it is not theirs. It should remain where it is, or at least it should be exhibited in a museum.

回答 (3)

2019-10-26 3:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.) If you only need something temporarily, ask a friend or neighbor *if you can borrow it from them*.
Or *if they could lend it to you*

2.) Correct
2019-10-27 12:10 am
1) if "THEY" could borrow 
2) ✔
2019-10-26 4:35 pm
1 - There is only one error here. Instead of saying "If could borrow it to you", just say "If they could borrow it to you". The rest of it is fine.

2 - I don't think you'll need to place the comma before 'or'. The grammar is almost correct though.

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