Is the existence of God objective or subjective?

2019-10-26 3:55 am

回答 (29)

2019-10-26 8:32 am
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In my opinion, existence is always objective. One might subjectively determine (or believe) that something does or does not exist, but whether it in actuality does or does not exist is objective.

But...see philosophers who question existence itself, and argue that existence itself - of anything and everything - is subjective, unknowable and/or imaginary.
2019-10-26 3:55 am
It is fabricated....
2019-10-26 4:02 am
we don't need word games. Cheesus is real, and dried on the cross for our sins.
2019-10-26 3:56 am
The non existence of a deity is a matter of objective fact.
2019-10-26 3:57 am
we dont need word games...FOR THAT TRY EDUCATION
2019-10-26 6:02 am
Unless you are omniscient, everything is subjective; filtered through a screen constructed unwillingly of what you do and what others do to you.
2019-10-26 4:35 am
Anything objective is based on facts. God's existence is not a fact. So, the claim that God exists is subjective.
2019-10-26 4:14 am
It's objective. Either he exists or he doesn't. Your belief or lack thereof is subjective.
2020-10-17 12:58 am
did you **** your mother you white devil do me a favor and stop answering my questions you fucken *****.
2019-10-27 1:18 pm

Isa 45:23 I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess to God

2019-10-26 10:35 am
That is one of the best questions ever asked here!!!

If a God does exist, He cannot be restricted to the boundaries of a 'this' and 'that', 'here' and 'there', 'now' and 'then'.  The human mind and intellect cannot comprehend or conceive of the 'Magnitude' and 'Enormity' of Divinity, which is how we know God cannot be a "man-made" concept.  The duality of "objective vs. subjective", "existence vs. nonexistence", would not apply to an 'Unlimited God', that would be the, 'Uncaused Source', of anything that can be said to "possibly be".  

Hence, God cannot be "proven" or "disproven".  Any "evidence" for or against the existence of God can only result in 'counter-evidence'.  
2019-10-26 4:38 am
I was going to say more or less what 'Not You' said, but thinking about it, what one even means by 'God' is subjective. Some people regard the Universe as being God, so I suppose God's existence is at least as subjective as its definition.
2019-10-26 4:06 am
The question of whether or not a god exists is an objective one. Yet, there's no shortage of people employing subjectivity in their claims of evidence for one. So, it is a good question if they feel that speaks to objective reality, or if they'd agree that is only indicative of personal feelings and opinions.
2019-10-26 4:00 am
The existence of an all-powerful being who created everything, yet doesn't seem to care whether babies get human statue disease, is not up for debate. Such a being, if he existed, would be pure evil.
2019-10-26 3:58 am
It's imagined.
2019-10-26 7:34 am
The existence of God is fact.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2019-10-27 9:22 am
The existence of God is subjective to a person
God is absolute. God is everything
2019-10-26 9:36 am
The existence of god is objective
2019-10-26 9:22 am
It is subjective, there is no proof God (or any god) exists.
2019-10-26 6:34 am
God either exists, or he does not. So, that would be an objective matter. Whether any given individual decides to believe that God exists, or not, would be subjective.
2019-10-26 6:15 am
Both really. Most are very subjective about Gods' existence, even though it doesn't take a genius to see the Bible is nonsense. God may well exist but what concrete tie does he have to that book? No evidence to prove any of it happened or that those telling the story were reliable.
2019-10-26 6:03 am
The existence of everything that exists is objective, including God.  The acceptance or rejection of objective reality is subjective.
2019-10-26 5:45 am
It's neither, it's an opinion.

Added, really, I can't give a better answer to your question because of the way it's phrased and because I don't really see what you're asking.

You mention “the existence of God” which implies that God definitely exists. The existence of something can't be subjective or objective. If you mean, is a BELIEF in the existence of God subjective or objective then, it not a good way of putting it but, it would have to be subjective because so many people do not believe in God.

Whether or not God exists is a matter of opinion and opinions are subjective. To me, as an atheist, I am “sure” that God does not exist but many other reasonable, mature, sensible people disagree. Therefore, my view must be an opinion.

Surely though, this is self-evident.
2019-10-26 5:40 am
Ask Him.
No reply: subjective
Any reply: subjective too
(what makes you think the Lord speaks 21st century English?).
2019-10-26 4:20 am
The question is a simple binary one. Does God exist or not? However for this question only people strain to define what "exist' means and therefore their answer comes from their own viewpoint.
2019-10-26 6:38 am
it is BOTH, the reality of God is knowing that Jesus and angels are real ! God the Father draws men unto Christ Jesus, and Jesus Shows us God. the Holy Ghost is given by the laying on of hands, and everyone should have a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. and when the Spirit speaks peace, from above, its not the same kind of Peace that is made with hands.
2019-10-26 4:04 am
To me it is objective
2019-10-26 4:08 am
That a god exists is pretty objective. Even if you ascribe to the Big Bang Theory there would have to be a god to create those initial elements. How much that god interacts with what was created is extremely subjective. A person can believe anything from "God is a micro-manager" all the way to "God is totally passive and watching what happens, similar to a scientist watching an experiment running its course".
2019-10-26 4:05 am
God is

it can't get anymore objective than that

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