Electric Motor Name Plate?

2019-10-24 5:12 pm
can someone explain to me in detail what this nameplate data are?

1.)there are 3 rows of boxes, does it mean that my motor is all 3 of them?

2.)what does the triangle mean?

3.)is it just a 3 phase 5.5 HP 60Hz 220V motor?

if it is then what is the 380v 440v and single triangle mean?

what does the 50/60 mean? does it mean it is usable at 50~60hz?

also if I'am buying a motor what data do I need to give about the motor?

回答 (2)

2019-10-25 1:17 am
It can be used in 50 and 60 Hz installations.
This is a 3-phase motor used on a delta (Δ) feed.
The name plate shows the current at full load using different input voltages. There's a small junction box attached to the motor where you configure the wiring for different input voltages.

Not sure how 2Δ works, you'll need to look that up or ask an electrician.

Big question: Do you have a 3-phase distribution system in your facility? If not, this motor is not suitable.
2019-10-24 5:49 pm
My guess is that those 3 boxes are min, max, and average specs. The actual amounts will likely vary depending on the load on the motor.

Yes, the 50/60 probably means it is able to be used in the 50-60 Hz range.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:43:09
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