What’s the most physical pain you have ever been In?

2019-10-24 10:10 am
Polls and surveys 

回答 (31)

2019-10-24 10:18 am
Childbirth. ............
2019-10-25 6:27 pm
I think when riding my motorcycle, I had a blow out in my back tire and thrown off and busted my ribs.
2019-10-25 5:47 am
ive had gallstones, i wouldnt wish that on my worse enemy, dont have a gallbladder anymore
2019-10-24 6:25 pm
Menstrual cramps


2019-10-24 10:36 am
Having my jaw broken so painful!
2019-10-24 10:11 am
A pinched sciatic nerve. It lasted for about 9 months.
2019-10-25 11:21 pm
Probably intense headaches (rarely fortunately).
2019-10-24 12:19 pm
When my fingers got stuck between the window.
2019-10-24 10:20 am
For me it was child birth.
2019-10-27 2:11 am
Had a horse I was riding stumble and do a somersault. Horse rolled and I was thrown over it head at about 100 miles an hour,and I broke my sternum, concussion and lifted the skin from my right thigh, the biggest hemahtoma (not sure if I spelled this right) on earth, pain for weeks in my chest and leg.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 16:08:49
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