Should I forbid my 12 year old daughter from remaining friends with a pregnant girl (who’s her own age)?

2019-10-24 6:32 am
My daughter has a classmate who’s pregnant. Before the pregnancy, this young girl had other issues. CPS was involved throughout her whole life. Her parents are drug addicts so CPS took her away. The girl ran away from all her foster homes. She started engaging in sexual activities that are illegal. She has recently been around people who are dangerous too. And worse - this is a 12 year old CHILD. I didn’t know anything about this “friend” until my daughter told me today. She gave me all this information (combined with other parents telling me it’s true, she has a baby bump). I probably don’t know the full story but my first instinct is to protect my daughter. Most 12 year olds are very impressionable and easily influenced by their friends, just like teenagers. I worry that it’s not healthy to have this kid around my daughter because she is dysfunctional.

回答 (8)

2019-10-24 6:38 am
If a 12 year old child is pregnant, someone needs to be in jail.
This child is a serious victim of criminal behavior by her parents and others.
I would explain to my child that this girl needs serious help because she has been a victim of crime and is abused and that this effects her behavior, sadly. I would tell my child that I would not want her to be influenced by the girl's natural acting out, attention-seeking through inappropriate sexual contact and run away behavior.

Yes, you should protect your daughter so that she does not become the victim of criminal as this poor child has.
However, it does no harm to talk about these things because it is time for your daughter to know about them and learn how to keep herself safe.
I would make sure she knows that this girl is a VICTIM worthy of our sympathy and kindness.....THIS is the most important thing.

I would encourage my daughter to ask this girl over to our home for a play date or for dinner.
It's important that this girl see what a healthy home is like and it's important for your girl to learn empathy for others.
2019-10-24 9:10 am
This shows you don't trust your child, because if you did trust her, you would know she wouldn't get into drugs/drinking and other sexual behaviour, you would know she wouldn't!

Why shouldn't they be friends? Did it ever to you that maybe this other girl needs a friend like your daughter? Maybe you shouldn't be so judgemental over others.
2019-10-24 6:38 am
Asking someone to abandon a friend is tricky business. Teens are impressionable, but sometimes we are mistaken about the impressions being made. Perhaps this is a teachable moment, with your daughter realizing how bad choices can impact a life. Your daughter isn't dysfunctional and having one unfortunate friend shouldn't change that.
We also overestimate the amount of control we have . If you forbid daughter from seeing her friend, what happens when she does anyway? Better to keep the communication lines open than to force her into secrecy
2019-10-24 6:42 am
so your saying she is homeless and pregnant but still in school ,.............or this is a fictional troll story......
2019-10-24 11:01 pm
i wouldnt do that,your daughter could help her friend, maybe she can help her talk to cps and get her back in foster care or wherever
2019-10-24 11:11 am
Your daughter's already been around her for months!!! What can you protect her from in this situation???? react to the situation but, jeez, think about it!
This for child, the pregnant girl, has had an awful, awful life and expresses it wanting love from anyone who will give it to her. Boys use her for sex, unfortunately, she thinks it's love.
There's nothing sinister or evil about this, it's very, very, very, very sad, all the way around.
Encourage your daughter to see why her friend is doing this and the consequences of this is life long - for her and the child, which she'll probably be forced to give up.
2019-10-24 7:02 am
well kids are dumb but theres nothing u can do about it now, if ur daughter was already friends with a girl who gets pregnant at 12, it means shes already been exposed to all the ways of the pregnant 12 year. Banning her from seeing the 12 yr old prego wont fix anything, what you should do is make your kid realize how prego girl has made her life very hard by getting pregnant so that your kid wouldnt dare think of getting pregnant at early age.
2019-10-24 6:34 am
Just let you daughter get pregnant so they can be twinsies

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