So Since 2007 i have quit series of jobs due to social anxiety and have in all these years all experience put together have lasted for a year. So Now I want to work, but I don't wana apply to these consultants and face interviews where i feel extremely embarrased and outright criminal for being housebound for years with no productive records.
I still suffer from avoidance and difficulty interacting with people, especially women who make me extremely nervous and uncomfortable. The last time I told my interviewer that I had quit jobs because I was anxious around women. The interviewer didn't believe it and instead told me I must have run away from the job without informing lol.
Anyway, my academic degree is of sales and marketing but I can hardly look people in the eye. So what are my options here. I love to be outdoorsy or indoors like at a Decathlon stores with no coworkers nearby all the time. I love being on my own and staying quiet talking to myself fpr long hours like work at a museum or a library.. I dont know how to go about it. I just dont even know how to apply for a job anymore