How long should I wait before finding another doctor?

2019-10-23 8:17 am
In May of this year I found out i stopped breathing in my sleep. Called my doctor set things up but couldn’t get in till July. My new insurance kicked in in July so couldn’t do it. I was then supposed to do a at home sleep study but had to meet with this specialist first, finally after waiting two months I call and ask what the heck right finally I got an appointment for September 15, here it is I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea great finally some answers.  Yet here I am days before Halloween waiting for the phone to ring to give me anything that I might get the help I need.  That being said with such a life or death health issue how much longer should I wait before trying to find another specialist that will actually help me.  

回答 (1)

2019-10-23 9:41 am
just tell those doctors you need to see them right away

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:38:55
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