How can I become a person that enjoys reading?

2019-10-23 3:46 am
I very much want to like reading, but unfortunately I can’t bring myself to. When reading, I lose focus at the drop of a feather. I am quite slow at it as well; my friends/classmates blow through paragraphs and pages while leaving me in the dust. And honestly, the stories in novels are breathtaking and captivating, however movies and video games are simply far more immersive than a book can be, therefore as much as I want to be a person who enjoys avid reading, and not one of those incorrect “reading is for chumps!” fools, unfortunately my nature is of the latter, and I’d like to change that. Any suggestions to make this mental shift would be appreciated. Thank you!

PS. It’s not like I’ve never read before. Some of my favourite works are the entirety of The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, as well as Stevenson’s work; notably Treasure Island.

回答 (21)

2019-10-23 4:49 am
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Some people just aren't readers.
I've been a bookworm since I learned to read; my parents both like reading. My brother doesn't. I've tried to get him hooked, but eventually gave up because he simply doesn't enjoy reading. He loves movies, though.

I agree with Speed that it's important to read something that you are interested in. Even though I love good stories, there are plenty of books that bore me to death. I usually keep away from highbrow literature because I just don't find it interesting. I'm a plot guy, love genre fiction.

You might want to start with shorter fiction: short stories or novellas.
That might get you in the right mood to keep your focus on longer stories.
Or maybe you need to get into an environment that doesn't distract you; perhaps there are also things in your life that take off your focus, which you might need to resolve or come to terms with. I've noticed with myself that sometimes my thoughts turn to some issue in my life rather than stay on the story. That can happen much more easily while I'm reading than while watching a movie - maybe because it's quiet and I have to be actively consuming rather than just let the movie play in front of my eyes. Does that make sense to you?

In essence: maybe reading is just not for you, maybe you haven't found the right stuff yet, maybe the circumstances are what mess with your focus.
2019-10-23 7:43 am
I'm guessing that the books you listed are books you read when you were younger, before you fell victim to the electronic disease of needing constant stimulation in the form of short, simple bursts. Obviously it's a lot easier to become immersed in something that doesn't require actual thought. Watching television, playing video games, and staring at the screen of a smartphone are not things that require a great deal of attention. Reading is different.

Essentially, the first step toward becoming a reader and reading regularly for pleasure would be to acknowledge that it's going to take effort. You're going to have to approach reading with the mindset that it's not going to come easily, it's not something that's going to happen at the flick of a switch, and that it might take more than a few failed tries before you begin to become accustomed to putting in the time, effort and concentration involved to get through a book.

Firstly: Find something to read that will hold your interest. Avoid anything that's too dense or difficult, choose something that's fairly easily digestible, but fun.

Secondly: Baby steps. Don't try to develop a reading habit by waking up on a Saturday morning and attempting to get through an entire 300 page novel in a single sitting. Set aside an hour or so a day, even thirty minutes will be fine. I enjoy reading before bed. You might set some time aside for that as well.

Thirdly: Disconnect. When it's time to read, get rid of any and all distractions. Turn off the television. Put your phone away. Find a quiet, comfortable place to read and don't allow anything around you to call your attention away from what you're reading. Your ability to focus will improve with time.
2019-10-23 4:52 am
First: Anyone who has read and liked the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings and Treasure Island has my respect as a fellow reader. I doubt you will be a "Reading is for chumps" person.

Two: My niece has Attention Deficit Disorder and prefers movies and videos to books. Now that she is out of school and can read what she wants at her own pace, she is a little more relaxed with a book. The ADD gets her frustrated; but with her meds, her regimen and determination she got her high school diploma and get hairdressing diploma and certification. She's intelligent and driven to make her happiness. I'm sure you are too, beause you write well. Can you get an medical and an attention assessment and special ed. tutoring to help with schoolwork?

Third: For non-school reading, read what you want, at your own pace. If silence or background music helps your concentration, use earphones. daily set time and routine to read or for homework may help. A positive attitude to it. Several rest and think breaks.
2019-10-23 4:17 am
For lots of non-readers, the difference is in what you read. If you find a book that's so interesting you can't wait to get back to it, voila, you're a reader.

The trick, of course, is identifying those books. Reading reviews and talking books with people whose tastes are similar to yours is a good first step. I find the reviews at GoodReads much more reliable than Amazon, for the record.
2019-10-24 4:51 am
Find a book that is interesting and try to read 5 minutes a day. Or even less or more… so that you can get the habit of reading
2019-10-24 2:50 am
Movies only show 25% of the story in the novels. You're missing out.
2019-10-23 11:50 am
Have your eyesight checked. You'd be surprised how often this is the problem. Many stores like Walmart have cheap reading glasses. Try a few on and magnify the letter size.
2019-12-25 10:11 pm
Read the things you like and inspires you, for me, I like reading and writing poetry
2019-10-26 9:33 pm
Read things that catch your eye you will enjoy it
2019-10-26 4:19 pm
Choose the books that really really can interest you
2019-10-26 2:13 am
You might not be reading what you want to be reading. Try different types, lengths, genres, everything.
but reading isn t a passion for everybody.
Try knitting, baking, arts and crafts, writing, anything you re interested in.
2019-10-25 10:39 am
Try reading something that you can really enjoy and don't watch the movie yet. here is one of my fave:
2019-10-25 5:50 am
Try this:

The Master of Perception:
2019-10-24 3:52 pm
If you enjoyed The Lord of the Rings, you should try the 'Earthsea' quartet by Ursula le Guin. Not as dauntingly long as LOTR but full of colour and enchantment and real adventure.
2019-10-24 3:35 pm
Dumb question! You find a good book.
2019-10-24 11:15 am
Find a book that interests you
2019-10-24 4:10 am
All great advice, but likely stuff you've tried before. I have a couple of suggestions you may not have considered.

1) Graphic novels, comic books and manga. They're pretty much books with extra visual stimulation. There's some good stuff out there, and it's not all superheros. The manga deserve a serious look, especially if you like fantasy.

2) Fanfiction. It's a way to keep reading a book you already know you like (or movie or whatever). You're already familiar with the characters and/or setting, so it feels less like *work*. There's a lot of terrible fanfiction, but quite a bit of decent writing. Other fanfiction writers' favorites and recommendations are sometimes a short cut to the good stuff.

(A quick note for anyone not familiar with fanfic -- PAY ATTENTION TO THE RATING AND WARNINGS. It can get pretty explicit. I'm not judging, just don't want anyone surprised.)
2019-10-26 5:37 am
TV is poison for the mind. You must disconnect it.
2019-10-26 3:05 am
Maybe start by reading very short stories and then slowly increasing as you find the time and if it interests you.
2019-10-26 1:39 am
when their is nothing else their is always the library and a good book
2019-10-24 9:20 am
All of the above.
2019-10-23 9:42 am
to become a person that enjyos reading you will need to eb either forced to read or forced to drop all social activity and sexual activity by 76%, ASAP

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