How many buttcheeks does Melania Trump have?

2019-10-21 5:00 am
any clue?

回答 (7)

2019-10-21 11:39 pm
Real Donald Trump here: All your answers are correct.
Mania has an amazingly versatile back porch and parking area.
It smells like macaroni and cheese though, for some reason.
Possibly I left a bowl of it back there.
Or she sat in my orange spooge too often.
2019-10-21 8:43 pm
Depends how big her orgy is.
2019-10-21 7:14 am
As many as she wants.She can afford to buy extra ones.
2019-10-21 5:16 am
well, she's married to the biggest butthead I know, so.............
2019-10-21 5:01 am
how flat are they?
2019-10-21 5:00 am
Four                                           .
2019-10-23 9:57 am
Three; the left one, the right one, and the one she is married to.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:40:09
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