How did God record all the exact words in The Holy Bible?

2019-10-20 10:25 am
He recorded what he said to Adam and Eve

He recorded his exact words as Jesus to people in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

How can he record his exact words in The Holy Bible?

How can he record the exact words that was happening in the Old Testament?

And also the New Testament.

How was The Holy Bible created to have the exact words of God's tongue?

回答 (14)

2019-10-20 3:43 pm
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God is the creator.

It's just like a pen of many brands, the author uses different pen(person) with different colour (background) to write. However it is by one person write, who is God.

Eg. We have Matthew who was a tax collector and Luke who was a doctor. Matthew has his own style, while Luke writes in sequence.

We know that Bible is written by the inspiration of God, it is by the breathe of God.
2019-10-20 10:27 am
God didn't record. He dictated.
2019-10-20 2:52 pm
The Holy Spirit of God "inspired" 40 different holy men of God what and when to write.

2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

The Greek word for "inspiration" is theopneustos


theo means God as in theology

pneustos means breath, wind, spirit - as in pneumatic, pneumonia
2019-10-20 11:11 am
The Bible is inspired of God. But some may think, The Bible was written by men, so how can it be from God? The Bible answers: Men spoke from God as they were moved or, guided by holy spirit.

This is similar to a businessman telling his secretary to write a letter. Who is the author of the letter? It is the businessman, not the secretary.

In the same way, the Author of the Bible is God, not the men he used to write it. God guided them to write his thoughts. The Bible really is the word of God.
2019-10-20 11:09 am
He did not. God does not exist.
2019-10-20 10:39 am
He wrote the Bible by inspiring the authors of the Scripture. Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible.
2019-10-20 6:55 pm
Through dreams and visions for the most part.
2019-10-20 12:44 pm
The "bible" did not even exist until the fourth century and it speaks of only one of the many gods while admitting to the existence of many but then you would have had to actually read it now wouldn't you!
2019-10-20 11:27 am
The Bible was written in Ancient Hebrew (mostly the Old Testament), Ancient Greek (mostly the New Testament), and Ancient Aramaic (a small portion of the Bible).

Hebrew was not the first language. There is indisputable evidence of that.

No matter which of those languages we are talking about, some parts of the Bible are referring to things that were originally said in other languages.

It is not possible to always exactly translate word for word from one language to another. It's even harder when the languages are not related to each other at all. Greek is not related to Hebrew or Aramaic (but those two are related to each other, but even, exact literal translations are not always possible).

God could not have possible recorded the exact words. God could not have possibly inspired the correct words.

God also supposedly gave humans free will and made them imperfect. It is ridiculous to believe that using human tools to write produced perfect writings.

It's also inconceivable why God would have people write them, when supposedly he truly wrote the ten commandments (and supposedly just gave them to Moses, twice). God could have avoided any error by writing things himself, and in all the languages needed.

Having "faith" that the Bible (and all its translations) are the perfectly inspired Word of God is just amazingly naïve. It's deliberate ignorance.
2019-10-20 10:55 am
They did way more oral in the good old days 😎
2019-10-20 10:26 am
God knows nothing of words. Words are an invention of earth, not heaven.

For that reason, the "Word " of God is not the Bible but the Holy Spirit, who communicates through peace, not worlds or words.

People bring God to earth to try to prove they are right, atheists or believers.
2019-10-20 10:48 am
God gave us language, languages. In Genesis, God spoke.
Holy men, and sometimes women tuned in to God.
And rather than 'exact words', I suggest essencesince people try to get it exactly but don't always.

It is quite normal, not abnormal, to communicate with God spiritually.

God can and will help you, protect you from the bad plans against you.
But like any skill, this is not instant or easy.
Satan's system is passive, you need do nothing, just watch what is programmed by others. Then you get programmed. As simple as that.
2019-10-20 11:00 am
No-one claims that the Bible is the exact words of Jesus, except in those verses that clearly quoted Him. The Bible is the INSPIRED Word of God, which means that the Holy Spirit guided and inspired the bishops of the Catholic Church when they compiled the Bible, to includes only those writings God wanted included.

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