Do you agree we should thank GOD that Hillary lost in 2016 and that Trump has given us the best economy we've had in 60 years?

2019-10-20 4:59 am

Trump 2020!! MAGA!!!


Our church has been praying to help Mr. Trump stay strong and to help us defeat these heathen Democrats.

回答 (18)

2019-10-20 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
In addition to the strongest economy on the planet, we are at peace with the world. Tough to beat this combination. Trump 2020.
2019-10-20 5:04 am
I'll accept that once you persuade me that the high rates of foreclosure and suicide among America's farm families, a direct result of Trump's tariffs on China, is a good thing.
2019-10-20 5:15 am
The stock market increased 150% while Obama was President, the stock market has been stuck between 26,000 - 27,000 points under trump's last three years. You've had too much trump kool aid.
2019-10-20 5:03 am
Sell your soul for 30 pieces of silver. $trillion deficit..all smokescreen
2019-10-20 5:01 am
Praise Putin It's true..............................................
2019-10-20 5:05 am
hey if it is good for America,...libs hate it
2019-10-20 5:01 am
Whatever floats your boat and makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside is ok with me.
2019-10-20 5:02 am
The word "recession "has been coming up recently. Edit: Of course, if you check the history of the present good economy, you will see that the economy has improved steadily since the recession following 9-11. Mr Trump inherited rather a good economy fom President Obama.
2019-10-20 5:11 am
1 - Presidents are little more than cheerleaders for the economy.
2 - last 60 years? Bill Clinton was in office for growth twice as strong.
3 - See #1. Presidents do nothing.
2019-10-20 5:44 am
Thank the two party system.

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