Why did Trump undo everything Obama did in Cuba and drive the island back into the arms of Mother Russia?

2019-10-20 4:51 am

回答 (16)

2019-10-20 4:53 am
Trump is so jealous of Obama that he is trying to undo everything Obama did
2019-10-20 4:53 am
Because Trump is Trolling America. He's a fu cking traitor and only wants to enrich himself. It's more obvious then his toupet or his spray on tan. The guy is a conman, he's a liar, he's a fraud. The only people who voted for him are the same people that send money to TV eveangalists.
2019-10-20 4:51 am
Dump is a retard.
2019-10-20 4:52 am
Are you really foolish enough to think Cuba was not still in the arms of mother Russia after Obama's poor decision
2019-10-20 4:55 am
Cuba funds Venezuela and causes problems in
South America and North America. So until
The good people of Cuba wise up and kick
Out their socialist / communist leaders and
Turn it into a republic with a human rights
And capitalism they need trade sanctions
And other economic policies in place to
Cut back on the problems they cause.
2019-10-20 4:53 am
Because Trump wanted credit for opening up Cuba. Stayed tooned. During Trump's second term he will visit Cuba and do everything Obama did.
2019-10-20 5:01 am
Because Donald Trump doesn't like Obama
2019-10-20 5:06 am
Cuba needs to overthrow communism.
2019-10-20 5:01 am
it was pretty much there. Obama catered to Russian and Cubam political interests
2019-10-20 4:54 am
Russia no longer pays for Cuba ,They are broke

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:31:39
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