At what age does the body start aging and at what age does it start dying?

2019-10-20 4:50 am

回答 (6)

2019-10-20 4:51 am
aging starts the second the embryo is formed. aging and dying are synonyms.
2019-10-20 5:04 am
It starts aging from the moment the sperm
Enters the egg in your mother. You only get
Older each minute of each day. The days
Where your life diminishes start with lack
Of beneficial food and water and sleep and
Exercise. Your body and mind need maintenance to stay healthy. Neglect it or ignore
It and it will slowly deteriorate until something
Fails and you must go to the hospital to try
And repair it or get drugs to slow the pain
And problems you caused. So take care
Of yourself and stop eating junk food or
Sodas or alcohol or don't smoke or harm
Yourself in other ways.
2019-10-20 5:05 am
Skin ages at arounds 25-30 years idk if that helps?
2019-10-20 5:21 am
Progeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), is a rare genetic condition that causes a child's body to age fast. Most kids with progeria do not live past age 13.

The disease is caused by a single point mutation in the DNA that codes for the protein Lamin A. Lamin A is a protein found in the nuclear membrane. If progerin is made instead of Lamin A, cells and DNA inside the nucleus are easily damaged, resulting in premature aging. Progerin is also implicated in normal aging. For the average person, we live about 70 years or more, depending on how healthy we keep our bodies and whether we have diseases such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease.

That implies that aging is the result of cell and DNA damage, and that anything that can damage cells and/or DNA can speed up the aging process. Sunlight ages the skin by damaging DNA, for example. That in turn suggests that there is no genetic program that ages the body, but that the environment is responsible for aging if we are exposed to environmental factors that damage our cells and DNA.
2019-10-20 4:58 am
I believe it is from about age 27.
2019-10-20 4:58 am
Depends how quick I stab you.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:33:40
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