What is the dispensible butter that movie theaters let you use?

2019-10-17 5:34 am
At a lot of movie theaters they have a liquid butter dispenser by the concesions or even let you order your popcorn with butter. What is it and can I buy it from anywhere?

回答 (6)

2019-11-03 12:52 am
It is simply a liquid margarine. There are several brands of it available. "Whirl" is one that is pretty good.
2019-10-17 7:23 am
It's just butter or margarine that is melted and then kept warm so it doesn't resolidify.
In most places, it's some kind of margarine product, not real butter (mostly due to cost).
2019-10-21 3:24 am
LOL... it's not butter...
2019-10-17 6:07 am
I am interested in this also. But I bet it is as simple as melting your own butter then pouring over your popcorn.
2019-10-18 8:14 am
I presume its just melted butter?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:47:13
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