What should I do? Long explanation. ?

2019-10-16 9:45 am
I have depression but have no motivation to help it. Long explanation ahead. My parents and even my best friend say that I should do more to help myself but I don't want to. I feel if I do it would only be to please them. I'm good with just living day by day doing what I need to to take care of myself. I somehow manage to. My friend goes to a clinic where they have services to help people with different aspects of life like managing health, cooking, counseling, nutrition courses for diabetes etc. She's always telling me that she thinks it would help me if I go, but I just haven't had to motivation to go there. I can't drive and would most likely need to set up transportation through my insurance. And my parents say that when they're dead and gone no one will care about me to help me. Which doesn't help either. I know deep down I'm depressed but at the same time feel content. It's hard to explain. 

回答 (2)

2019-10-16 3:24 pm
Antidepressant? therapy to get to the root of why youre depressed exercise helps with depression, just need to find motivation
2019-10-16 1:44 pm
well, young lady, I just humbly guess you're young enough to be my daughter - to begin with.
if so, you're at the utmost age of flourishing in every way on one hand and a difficult age , too, on the other hand.
it sounds to me you need the professional evaluation/ help/ advise of a psychiatrist- in real life, in your area, someone skilled in treating people of your age

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:42:29
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