Can you give me some advice on how to return to writing poetry?

2019-10-15 9:13 pm
It has been a couple years now since I have been able to write poetry.  Now I am average at best, but I did learn how to write in meter and a gentleman named Gene taught me; great guy.

I have prayed, tried to write, and my brain has no imagination anymore, much do to trauma and circumstances the last couple years though each day is a blessing.

What would you do if the desire is still there but no talent exists.  I wish my desire would leave me so I could forget this.   I can't quit thinking about at least trying.............but how.?   If you were me, please give me a few steps you would take.   I know I'll get some crazy answers, but I am serious about this.  Thanks


回答 (7)

2019-10-21 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I could do with some myself Mr Tom.

I've tried and failed
so I boarded a boat and sailed
to see my old mate
on an unannounced date
he lives in Forth Worth.
I sailed by boat, why?
because I'm too scared to fly
now you know
why I didn't go
by airplane.
2019-10-16 1:55 am
Read a lot of poetry, of all styles, from many different time periods and cultures. That often fires up the "writing" part of the brain.

Also, get some books of writing prompts such as "The Practice of Poetry" by Robin Behn and Chase Twitchell (be careful, there are other books with the same title, so check the authors' names when buying it or borrowing from the library), and do some of the exercises in the book. That will probably give you some momentum and maybe some inspiraton.

Good luck!
2019-10-15 11:09 pm
Poetry is best when it comes from the heart. If you have been throtugh bad times, write about the experience, your feelings or spiritual torment. Let it out in poetry. Also think about good things and the future, nature, feelings, experiencs, raindrops or sunshine or whatever moves you.
Keep paper and pen handy for when lines come to you.
2019-11-17 4:16 am
Just do it. Turn off the Internet and all other distractions and just do it.
2019-10-22 11:38 am
Statistically speaking, the best way to have your poetry get better is to die, but that's really going out of your way.
In the mean time Sir Thomas, just write. Be courageous and brave, adventurous and clever, sincere and witty.
Out of the overflow of the heart...
2019-10-16 8:49 am
Read, Thomas, Read. Try American Life in Poetry. It''s online, it's free. Over 700 contemporary poems.
2019-10-16 12:25 am
Stop overthinking and just write.
It probably won’t be very good at first, but first drafts never are.

Just do a stream of consciousness and go from there.

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