my ex won’t leave me alone!!?

2019-10-14 8:44 am
i’m 17 (girl) me and my boyfriend just broke up after a year long, toxic relationship. without going into too much detail, i hated drugs and knowing it gave me severe panic attacks, he still smoked and vaped behind my back. I couldn’t talk to guys but he could talk to girls because it’s different because “every guy just wants to f**k me”. He had a horrible life in the past (druggy mom went to prison and lives with family that doesn’t love him very much). He would always tell me i’m the only positive thing in his life, but he treated me like he didn’t care about me. He would always act like i didn’t matter and he made me feel really depressed and i would cry almost every day over him. That’s when i decided to call it quits because i was unhappy and we would fight every day bc our opinions were so different. He has depression and is now using it as an excuse to go party and get wasted. He cried to a mutual friend about me while he was drunk and ended up throwing up. I have been way happier since we broke up, knowing it was mutual as we both decided it’s for the best. he can party, and i can stop worrying about him. He asked me how i’m doing so good and told me he has been breaking down every day. i asked him when we first broke up if he wants to get back together in the future and he kept saying he doesn’t know. i took that as a no bc i don’t deserve someone who doesn’t know if they want to love me. I will always love him so it hurts to see him this upset but help!! 

回答 (3)

2019-10-14 9:13 am
This guy had serious problems before he ever met you. Now he's blaming your breakup for his depression, but trust me, even if you got back with him, he wouldn't improve. He needs to get counseling and get himself straightened out. You can't fix someone who was that damaged by their parents, and they only make you as unhappy as they are. Advise him to get some help, stay in touch with him while he does, but cut him off if he doesn't.
2019-10-14 8:50 am
Ghost him. I am told
2019-10-14 8:47 am
contact local mafia, they will make an offer

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