what does this quote mean? "they burned the bridge, then ask why i don't visit"?

2019-10-14 8:18 am

回答 (9)

2019-10-24 2:05 am
'Burning a bridge' is a metaphor for something that had an undesirable outcome; now, it is past and any connection to it is lost. A burned bridge is gone; there is no way to get across it, So, figuratively speaking, the bridge that "they" burned is the reason you have no access to them; you can't get 'across' it, which is why you don't visit.
2019-10-14 8:23 am
It means that someone parted on bad terms on you, and is now eager for you to forgive and forget. Usually you'd just say "Don't burn your bridges."
2019-10-14 8:25 am
Burning bridges mean that you've done something to disrupt or end a relationship. So the quote means why does this person wants to visit when she ended the relationship/friendship with mal actions or a decision.

EXAMPLE: if I borrowed money from Joe and said I'd pay it back but I never payback, I burned that bridge with Joe and now I can never ask for help from him ever again.
2020-01-25 3:01 am
People destroyed whatever good was between you and them. They then get upset when you don't act as if you all are still friends or friendly in any way. 
2019-11-17 9:46 am
It means you can't get to their house unless you cross that bridge.
But the bridge is gone because they foolishly destroyed it.

It relates back to a saying, "Don't burn your bridges"
meaning: Don't do something stupid due to quick anger,
so that you can no longer be friends because you may need them someday.
2019-10-14 10:24 am
That w err I am
2019-10-14 9:34 am
It means that your friend or parents are acquaintance was very unkind to you and made you very wary of speaking with them and then they blame you when you don't show up at their events
2019-10-14 6:19 pm
They made it uncomfortable for you to consider visiting.
2019-10-14 8:45 am
that they caused them not to want to visit

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