What do I do in this situation? ?

2019-10-13 3:20 am
Me and my elder brother are living with our parents which is normal in our culture but I have a hostile sibling who doesn't like my being.

So here are few scenarios that drives me depressive.

1. Parking the cars and motorbikes, we grew up sharing our clothes, footware and our motorbikes. Now he doesnt want me to touch his car and also wants a spot in the house's parking space where the sun light doesnt fall. So he not only forces me to park my car and my motorbikes in the sun but wont allow me to touch his vehicle so if I have to go out I have to wait for him to remove his car or bike 

2. I fed this stray dog which was friendly and she sought a place at our home to sleep and cool off during rains and summers. I and mom allowed her to sleep in the verandah and the room where we keep our shoes. My brother doesn't like dogs, so psychologically terrorises the dogs with kicks and physical abuse to the dogs so finally dog confused of this ran away. 

3. Goes out without locking the main door, doesn't open doors for others when inside and deliberately takes forever or ignores the door bell.

I see a borderline sociopath! My parents don't say anything because we both are in our 30's and they are old and need their children as that's our social security in our society. But, I'm going insane in all this mental harassment. I feel like hurting him bad if ge continues with this, but I dont want to ruin my life.

回答 (5)

2019-10-13 4:38 am
MOVE OUT! Oh sure you could "talk" to your parents about all of this, but I doubt anything will change. No one should take any physical ABUSE from a sibling and you should never have harbored the dog (that was not yours, btw) and then you and your mother let your nut cake brother CONTINUALLY PHYSICALLY ABUSE the dog, rather than immediately removing him (or the dog) from the home. I would say the entire lot of you, have mental "issues".

Rather than resorting to violence - which may get you JAILED, you need to remove yourself from the TOXIC situation. The only person you can change => is YOU. You are more than old enough to support yourself & live either on your own or with a room mate of your choosing. Moving out does not mean, you cannot or will not be able to help care for your parents, at some future date.
2019-10-13 5:50 am
maybe you should move out so you dont have to be around him
2019-10-13 4:24 am
Grow up and move out

If someone not wanting you to touch or mess with their property make you' depressive' then you need to grow the hell up. Its not yours to touch or mess with. Loose the entitlement. If you don't like parking in the sun them MOVE

You had no right to feed a dog that is not yours. You had no right to keep a dog that is not yours. You know your brother doesn't like it and kept the dog any way instead of moving out and you knew he abused the dog and isntead of taking it to a shelter you kept it any way

Why should he open doors for others? They have hands and can open the door.

He's not a borderline sociopath. There's nothing wrong with hating dogs but there is something wrong with YOU behaving like an over grown todler
2019-10-13 3:55 am
1. You need to make it clear that he can not do what he wants, if he does not let you park on a suitable place then do it anyway. If he begins to confront you about it, ignore him and walk away. If he attempts to hurt you, that is abuse and harassment and the police can be called.

2. He should of been reported for animal abuse, which is illegal. Regardless of his opinion on dogs, he is legally not allowed to hurt them.

3. There is not much you can do about this unless you are willing to leave the door open until he realises this is a problem. I would honestly talk to your parents about making him move out because this is unacceptable behaviour.

Every time he verbally hurts you, take something precious to him and hide it (ideally in storage), if he physically hurts you or does it through text then take photos/screenshots to document it and show it to the police. He is breaking the law in so many ways and it is not okay
2019-10-13 3:24 am
I would wreck his car and burn his shoes.

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