Can a nurse get back her license after being guilty for stealing morphine?

2019-10-13 12:23 am
I have a friend who lost her license in 2002 after she stole some morphine because she at the time had problems with drug addiction. Now I don't expect a yes answer at all, because I don't think that the board would forgive you or ever trust you again even after 17 years have gone by. However I do wonder if with a good lawyer it could be possible to use past drug addiction as an argument to appeal for reclaiming the license. She has by the way long accepted her fate, but I just as a friend am shocked to see how you still can be thought of as untrustworthy even after so many years and her not even being addicted to drugs anymore, she's been sober for about a decade at this point. 

回答 (10)

2019-10-17 4:08 pm
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She will have to apply for a new licence and they will investigate as to whether they can give her a licence.
2019-10-13 12:32 am
In MY State there is a procedure which a suspended RN needs to follow in order to have her license reinstated IF it was suspended. If it was CANCELLED there is no way to get it returned.

To claim that past addiction caused an RN to steal medication meant for patients, the theft of which left the patients WITHOUT pain medication would be foolish. The less said about "why," the better. Do you think the Board isn't aware that this person is/was addicted, particularly to morphine? The bigger argument is going to be about the patients who had no relief from pain due to the actions of this RN.

I'm not shocked at all, and here's why. My husband in the last 5 weeks of his life was in a coma but obviously in pain. I didn't report the issue. Another family member who is an RN asked the staff to look into the issue. Yes, an RN was taking HALF of his medication, adding water and injecting my husband. Do I think that person should get another chance? No. Her excuse? She was addicted. That doesn't give me peace of mind. I don't say, "Well, he was in pain but that poor soul was addicted."

What will the Board say about your friend? I have no idea. I know her medical records over the past 17 years will be examined. I know that if patients review her background and license they can refuse to be treated by her.

I am not the least bit shocked. Your friend greatly harmed other people. I'm quite surprised she's not in jail. The RN who stole my late husband's medication is still in jail - 10 years later.

Sorry, but this hits too close to home.
2019-10-16 1:38 am
Probably worth her trying, especially if she can prove she's successfully completed a rehab program and has been clean for nearly a decade. That said if she hasn't been practicing she may need to do some additional training to get up to speed to modern nursing norms. Things change fast in the medical field.
2019-10-13 7:32 am
That would depend on the state.
2019-10-13 2:24 am
Past drug addiction is an argument NOT to reinstate the license.
Being CLEAN for a decade or more is potentially an argument for reinstatement, but NOTHING an attorney can do, including proof of actual innocence can force reinstatement.
2019-10-13 12:58 am
No she will never be nursing again, theft and drug use
2019-10-13 12:27 am
Probably not to be honest
2019-10-13 12:27 am
Instead of doing the whatif she should do the whatis and try.
2019-10-13 1:28 am
Guess what? If you have been convicted of certain crimes involving money, you can NEVER again work in certain professions in the financial field. You cannot obtain a license or renew one that was revoked.

There is no reason to believe it should be any different in the medical field, where people's lives are at stake. Certain trusts, when they are violated, result in a permanent loss of trust.
2019-10-13 12:31 am
Professional licenses are rarely irreparably revoked. She should appeal to the licensing board. Good lawyers only sway juries, not judges.

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