Will I meet a woman when I least expect it?

2019-10-12 10:14 am
I'm 27 and I've never even kissed a girl, let alone had a girlfriend. I want a girl that has black hair and I want us to have some common interests but with enough differences that the relationship won't get boring. I want her to be kindhearted, loving, and faithful with a non judgmental attitude with very gentle mannerisms. I know I would treat her like a queen.

回答 (6)

2019-10-14 2:48 am
At your age you may actually have to be a little more proactive about it. Kudos for knowing enough about what you want to be selective. But after a certain point in life you usually need to use technology to find this specific match you're looking for.
2019-10-12 11:58 am
Unless you're actively working at finding this mythical person, it's not going to happen. As far as how you treat her, treat her the way she would want to be treated. Start with respect and basic decency.
2019-10-12 10:30 am
No. That is a complete load of schit that women tell men who cant seem to get laid or find a girlfriend. 

You are 27 and single and have never been laid because you arent actively approaching women. You cant expect to meet anyone when you keep to yourself all the time and dont approach anyone because you fear rejection. 

You need to make a change dude otherwise you will be 35 and still asking this question on Y!A. I guarantee it. 

參考: nothing
2019-10-12 10:29 am
Is a numbers game, go out, socialise, and talk to new women! Also dont treat them like a queen, they arnt that special. Treat them as you treat everyone else.
2019-10-12 10:17 am
did u ask every girl to see if they have the same thing u dreamed of
didn't u try the dating website?
2019-10-12 10:17 am
Maybe, just gotta let it all ride and see who enters your life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:29
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