How soon do you think it will be before Rudi is arrested for his sneaky crimes and lies?

2019-10-11 11:44 pm

回答 (9)

2019-10-11 11:47 pm
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Before the end of the year. The entire Trump cabal is corrupt from top to bottom. Every time we uncover another rock we find more maggots. Lock them up. 
2019-10-12 2:22 am
Within 60 days .......
2019-10-12 12:01 am
Let's see.... oh, about 15 minutes, I'd say.
2019-10-12 12:08 am
As soon as his two associates start telling all.
2019-10-11 11:59 pm
With his diminished mental capacity, it would be more like "catch and release".
2019-10-11 11:47 pm
54,158 days .... which is 10 April 2048
參考: Crushed It
2019-10-12 10:32 pm
2019-10-12 7:09 am
First, he would have to actually commit a crime. I suspect you will be convicted long before he is arrested.
2019-10-11 11:56 pm
As soon as Biden is for his.

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