How do you manage time properly and effectively during college?

2019-10-11 3:18 pm
This is what I want to achieve in a 24 hour span:
-8 hours of sleep
-1 hour at the gym
-2 hours dedicated to talking to my girlfriend
-3 hours attending classes (4:00pm - 8:00pm)
-4 hours studying what I learned in class
-1 hour reading non-academic books

Some extra hours will be wasted trying to wake up, taking a bath, eating 3 times a day, and  transportation. 

回答 (3)

2019-10-11 11:24 pm
That schedule probably isn't going to support academic success.  You need to double your homework hours until you know for certain you can get A's with less study.  The standard is 2 hours of study for every hour in the classroom.

I'd suggest that you start by planning on talking a lot less to your girlfriend and using your "transition" time (like walking to class" to talk with her -- and invite her to join you in the gym if she is local.  

Getting 8 hours of sleep, daily exercise, and some socializing "down time" is really a very healthy schedule.  The key for you is being more realistic.
2019-10-11 3:30 pm
Ha, ha!

Oh wait, are you serious?

1. For every hour in class, expect to spend at least two or three hours out of class, reading assignments, doing homework, researching and writing papers, etc. You need to read the assignments before the lecture on each topic, and review them before exams. You are responsible for learning all assigned materials, whether or not they are covered in lecture.

2. Eight hours sleep per night is ideal, but not really feasible for most college students. An hour at the gym is great, but probably not feasible every day.

3. Two hours talking to your girlfriend is excessive, unless she goes to the same university and you can share meals together, etc.

4. I'm a bookworm and always managed to fit in a lot (probably too much) of non-academic reading, but a lot of less dedicated readers say stuff like "oh, you'll be reading so much for school, you're not going to want to read for pleasure." It never happened to me, though.

5. Eating and bathing is not time "wasted" any more than sleep or exercise is. You need to keep healthy and fit.

6. Transportation, however, could be time wasted. I wouldn't advise more than a half hour commute (each way) unless you can use that time to study (i.e. a train where you can rely on getting a seat). It's better to live on or near campus.

7. You need to have a social life as well, other than your girlfriend.
2019-10-12 7:47 am
I would recommend you plan on a weekly, rather than a daily basis. You need to be able to blend your weekends into your academic schedule. Your plans should also be adjusted due to different seasons, and different activities. I was fortunate enough to be able to completely dovetail my academics, work, athletics, and social life.

I lived on campus, carried 15 to 18 credits per semester, did work-study as an RA, and in the Fall was on the cross country team. Most of my classes were in the morning, with some in the early afternoon. I usually spent a few hours a day with my friends, but that time was often in the context of studying together. My work-study as an RA also allowed me to spend a great deal of time on academics while on duty in the dorm office.

Cross country practice was about 2 hours a day during the season, and during the rest of the year about an hour of lighter running per day. Saturdays in the Fall were taken up with travel to meets. Saturdays in the off season and Sundays all year were also spent on academics. We always went to home basketball games in the winter (my school was a small-college national powerhouse in the sport), but the gym was only about 70 yards from my dorm.

The point of all that, of course, is to show that spending a good deal of time on academics does not have to be at the cost of not enjoying other facets of college. You probably noticed that constant partying was not on my list of college activities.

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