How to install a program to every pc from system? Like in school there is a controlling computer for the teacher?

2019-10-10 11:28 pm

回答 (2)

2019-10-10 11:47 pm
Depends on what you mean by "install it on every computer."

If you want the program to reside on the hard drive of each computer and to run from there, you would have to install the program on the hard drive of each computer. There are many different software you can purchase that will allow you to "push" the software out to every computer (assuming they are all networked together.) From a central "server" computer, the software will connect to each of the other computer and install the program on them. If they are not networked you would need to go to each computer and individually installed the program on them.

The other alternative is to install the software on a "server" computer. Then point the icons for the program on all the computers to run from the one copy of the program on the server. Depending on the specs of the server, you may see slower performance of the program because many people are using it at the same time. But it also makes maintaining and updating the program easier because you only have to fix or update the ONE copy on the server to fix/update it for everyone.
2019-10-10 11:41 pm
Lots of ways to do this.

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