
2019-10-10 10:13 pm
題目:Some bows take [ ] longer than a second.
A.nothing B.none C.no much D.no
為甚麼框框裡的答案是 D.no?

回答 (3)

2019-10-12 3:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1,Some bows take no longer than a second. 其中 no-----than 是相關副詞,用法類似as----as,而 than a second是副詞子句修飾no,完整句子Some bows take no longer than (some bows take ) a second.
2,句子省略屢見不鮮,例If possible, please contact with me ASAP.
2019-10-12 8:02 am
Some bows take(C=no much=not Not much longer)--incorrect
Some bows take (D no longer living here in TW than a second=not correct)
Some bows take (D if D=not any much longer)--hence incorrect
Some bows take (A not much longer=correct)
Some bows take(B=none--incorrect)
Some bows take (A=nothing=nothing longer than a second)--correct; and better than D=no longer living in TW may be dead Or moved.
2019-10-11 6:19 am
題目:Some bows take [ ] longer than a second. A.nothing B.none C.no much D.no 

先研究一下 這題目的意思是: 有些敬禮 短於一秒鐘. 所以要用(C)no.

為神? 先研究一下 另一個說法: 有些敬禮 長於一秒鐘. 

Some bows take longer than a second.

它的反方向 也就是 原題的說法 就有2種說法:

1. Some bows take no longer than a second. (O)
2. Some bows do not take loner than a second. (OK)

雖然二者都是文法上正確的,(1)較優 是因為 它的簡短.

再來要研究的是: bow的意思.由"敬禮"而衍伸出來,bow可能是"出場/表演/競賽"的意思.

Clay made his first bow in 1960. = 克萊 第一場 (拳擊)比賽 在1960.

醬子的話,你的原句 也可能(被)翻譯成:

有些(拳擊)比賽 一秒鐘 就結束了

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