I'm a Junior with a 3.3 GPA. I'm absolutely trying my hardest to increase it to look good for colleges.?

2019-10-10 2:50 am
So I have unfortunately screwed up a bit during my first 2 years in high school. Two big factors that made by GPA that low were: 1. I had little motivation to care as a Freshman (My GPA during my entire freshman year was a 3.1 Average...) 2. There was a lot of personal issues between my mother and father that led to a divorce.

Something clicked in me that made me want to do my absolute best during my final 2 years.
My goals are:
Getting a 3.8 GPA average during my last two years
Getting a 1350 or higher on the SAT
Involving myself in school extracurricular activities (I didn't do that during my first 2 years...)

I'm already halfway through my first Marking period and I currently have a 3.9GPA average with my lowest grade being a 87% in my first AP class I've taken.

Will colleges forgive my mediocre performance during my first 2 years if I do really well during my last 2 years?

The colleges I'm looking to aim at are TCNJ, NYU, and Penn State.

If you can offer me any advice, that would be greatly appreciated.

回答 (3)

2019-10-10 4:19 am
For those universities, it will really depend on the quality and quantity of the other applications.  Yes, universities will "forgive" a bad year if the last two years show marked improvement and the SAT/ACT score indicates the student is capable. You will also have the opportunity to write an essay or two as part of the application.  You can choose to write about your change in attitude and effort.

Use a website like Niche or Big Future to see where your current cumulative unweighted GPA and probably SAT put you compared to students actually admitted to those schools.  Look into selecting at least one more school where your chance of admission is at least 70%.
2019-10-10 4:08 am
Where are you going to school? That matters, as does the previous track record of prior college bound students.

Since you have no extra curriculars, you can forget about leadership positions in those at this point. For top schools, its not enough to be a member of a club, they want to see you being club president by your senior year. As such, I bet NYU is out of your range.

Schools do not care about your personal struggles...sorry...that's the truth. They care about your potential to succeed...they want good graduates... Also, they wont see your senior year grades when you apply, perhaps the first semester or quarter, but that's it...the bulk of your record will be your first two years.

A "B" average for two years isn't terrible and with an excellent junior year, you probably have a shot at Penn State and TCNJ. NYU is super competitive though, especially Tisch and Stern, without more on your resume...don't even bother.

Talk to your guidance counselor, they know where prior graduates have gone and what sort of success rate they have with applicants to various schools.

For reference I went to Georgetown...not trying to brag...I didn't get into Harvard...just saying I have some knowledge...
2019-10-10 3:57 am
You will have the chance to write an essay. You can explain what happen the first 2 years. it is VERY common.

Take AP or higher classes, even with a lower grade then regular classes. It shows the school that you are willing to work harder.

Talk with your counselor. They KNOW.

As for the schools you want. They are great schools, but there are also great smaller schools. For example, my son applied to UVA and got into their business school. But decided to go to a much smaller school - because most of the 1st and 2nd year classes at UVA are 500+ people, etc. The school he is going to now, a real professor teaches ALL the classes, not just the large lecture and then use teaching assistants for the other part.

Remember, you are going for an education, not the name of the school.

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