Is my work ethic enough?

2019-10-10 1:55 am
A few months ago my manager told me that they introducing 3D for the company and that I am going to flourish at the company. We have been discussing this for a few months now.

They even went so far as to discuss with the Drafting Manager about me going from my current position to working there. Just to give you some insight as to all the actions I have taken. I was not that at my position when I first started to be honest,I have improved a great deal that i got an MVP award from my manager, not only that I went out of my way to learn the software the CAFM department uses during my lunch times, after I was comfortable with the program, i did the CAFM test that people do who come in for an interview,which I passed I also went so far as to do a Java programming course to not only up skill myself but to also add more value to the company.

My question is. was all this effort good enough? My manager did send my accomplishments and experience to her boss, they wanted my C.V and my manager said they will always have my back, she said she would like to meet me to catch up which was 2 weeks ago, I followed up last week to ask if we still going to meet she said next week as they were pretty busy, which is understandable. I am concerned that all the effort,energy and time I put in to do all this is not going to be enough. 

回答 (1)

2019-10-10 3:55 am
In what language do you conduct business? Your English is ok...but not great...but you use CV, so you aren't an American.

If you have the skills, you might be ok. You wont have the same degrees as the other applicants for the same jobs, they will have CS degrees and the like. However, with enough endorsement from your current managers, you might get a shot.
2019-10-10 2:00 am
You will be fired in 2 weeks. But they will give you 2 weeks notice.

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