Have I been too harsh on my friend?

2019-10-09 2:05 am
Basically this is my friend who lets me down all the time whenever we plan anything social, to the point where I’ve booked things and then lost money in regards to tickets and outfits, and then missed out on going out with other people.

I’m flying to another state for some life changing surgery next month and because of her job at the time, she couldn’t go so my other friend agreed, but as she didn’t have the money I agreed to pay for her plane ticket. She has now let me down (I’m also not happy with her as I could have spent that money on something else). Anyway, I told this friend what happened and she agreed to come with me so I was all ready to contact the airline and make the correct changes... then today she has messaged me saying she can’t go because her brother had booked a surprise spa day and she “felt bad” that he would lose his deposit. I absolutely lost it with her! I told her that she never puts me first and I am sick of her cancelling things all the time. She told me she would message me when I “feel better”.

However- was I wrong? I didn’t book it with her in the first place but she then got it off work, said she could go, then came up with that excuse instead of putting me first for once for surgery?! I’m so mad! She does it a lot, cancelling on concerts because her sister is “feeling a bit upset” or whatever, I’ve been low over things and she wouldn’t come and see me because she was “having tea at her nan’s” and I think I just lost it. Was I wrong?

回答 (11)

2019-10-09 5:38 am
yes too harsh because you are too needy and clingy...now if you told them you scared...maybe they go..but not for bigger boobs
2019-10-09 2:36 am
Your problem is you're associating with the wrong group of people. Associate with people who can pay their way. That way you won't feel angry and betrayed when they cancel. You can go by yourself and you're not out any money.

It doesn't make you a bad person to choose who you associate with. But you have to be intelligent. If I know my best friend makes $15,000 a year, I accept that we'll be going to Mc Donalds, eating Ramen, and watching Netflix a lot, when we hang out.

Accept people for who they are. You're friend will never follow through unless they spent the money. As long as someone else did for them, they don't really care. And trust me it had nothing to do with the spa deposit. It had all to do with what she truly wanted to do, which was go to the spa.

You're unconsciously trying to buy people. Let them pay they're way
2019-10-09 2:08 am
No, you were not wrong.
2019-10-09 2:07 am
Terrible friend. Tell her to be honest with you so she can stop wasting your time and money.

I also just had a look at your other questions regarding this situation.. I think it's time to put an end to this friendship. It's beyond a joke at this point and it's not believable, you deserve better. Please learn from this and stop making an effort with her when all she does is cancel on you. Put that money towards something more worthy

Hope your surgery goes well x
2019-10-16 11:27 pm
No you were not in the wrong you are entitled to your opinion, I seriously hate when people cancel all the time, cause I just get to the point where I don't want anything to do with them anymore, even if it has been months sinse I last seen u & I get excited, cause I think we are about to hang out again, then they cancel so many times in a roll, it gets very frustrating & its bullsh!t, so no you are not in the wrong
2019-10-10 12:25 pm
what? not sure what you're asking??
參考: # question mark..seriously!!
2019-10-10 5:47 am
Nope not at all.
2019-10-09 11:13 pm
dump her shes a flake
2019-10-09 9:19 am
No way. They dont value you at all and certainly dont have any respect for you. You teach others how to treat you. Think about that and if you want her to keep doing this yeah sure apologize but if youd like a friendship built on mutual respect then don't allow that and keep standing behind your words.
2019-10-09 2:19 am
She might not realize what she's doing. If she is, she's a terrible friend. If she's not, what she's doing is still anger-some.

At the very least, downgrade her to a fair weather friend. If you make plans with her in the future, go somewhere cheap where you don't have to prepay for anything. And don't cancel any current plans you have to accommodate her. If she wants to get together with you, let her make the next move.
2019-10-09 2:11 am
Waste no more money on her. I would still see her to go to a movie or for lunch or dinner but not for anything requiring tickets.

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