歌詞英文文法 When the going gets tough ,the tough get going. the going用 gets 加s,因為是第三人稱單數; 但是the tough get 卻沒有 加s,他不是也是第三人稱單數嗎?why ?

2019-10-08 7:48 pm

When the going gets tough ,the tough get

the going用 gets 加s,因為是第三人稱單數;

但是the tough get 卻沒有 加s,他不是也是第三人稱單數嗎?why ?

回答 (3)

2019-10-08 9:40 pm
1. the tough = 硬漢 (堅強 而無法無天的人) 可以當作一個 <集合名詞>(複數)來用

2. 其實 也有人寫成  the tough gets going!

When the going gets tough ,the tough get going. (O)
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. (O - OK too)
2019-10-08 7:59 pm
tough=toughen n, make or become tough;
a singular word may have a plural word in meaning.
2019-10-08 7:52 pm

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